Money Matters Roadmap

Take control of your financial destiny-free yourself from financial burdens

Secrets of Financial Success

Your Pathway to Achieve Long-Term Financial Security Through Proven Strategies...


Financial Security


Welcome to Your Journey toward Financial Freedom

The path to personal financial freedom is paved with decisions.

Some lead to immediate gratification, while others lay the foundation for future treasures.

But how do you decide which choices will propel you towards a future of financial stability?


 Laura C  

"My financial mindset was a complete nightmare. I needed clarity in a step-by-step manner.  

Thanks to Linda's incredible coaching skills, I've gained newfound confidence. Her guidance is truly invaluable." - Laura C.



 I know I want into 'Money Matters Roadmap', Sign me up now



Financial Literacy


The Power of Financial Literacy

Real talk – understanding your finances isn’t just about counting coins and knowing what’s in your wallet today. It’s about making smart choices now that set you up for a life of comfort and security tomorrow. 



About your Guide

Linda B, The Guide by your side

"Hello! I'm Linda Brown, the passionate force of Spire Business, Inc. and the creator of the innovative Profit and Peace of Mind system. My journey in the world of money and personal finances began as a financial planner, where I saw firsthand the complexities and taboos surrounding money. This experience fueled my dedication to simplify personal finance, making it accessible and less intimidating.

I’ve channeled my insights, strategies, and hands-on experiences into creating the 'Money Matters Roadmap' program to transform your pathway to financial clarity. It equips you with the tools and knowledge to guide you toward making informed financial decisions for a future filled with wealth and minimal stress.

I'm excited to embark on this journey with you, helping to unlock the doors to your financial success and peace of mind."


Wealth-Building Adventure

Embark on a Wealth-Building Adventure

I'm inviting you on an enlightening journey to financial wisdom and intelligent money management.

You'll uncover the essential practices and mindset shifts that will empower you to develop and embrace smart money habits.

You'll also learn how to make informed financial decisions that turn dreams of financial freedom into reality.



Secrets To Achieving Lasting Financial AbundanceUnveiling The Secrets To Achieving Lasting Financial Abundance

It's all too easy to feel lost in the shuffle of personal finance, to end up stressed over savings or burdened by debt.

But you don’t have to walk that path.

There are simple, smart money habits waiting to be your guide, leading you away from worry and towards empowerment.



Ready for the inside scoop?

I'm thrilled to pass on these golden nuggets of wisdom to help you take charge of your money, pad out that savings account, and reach for your financial goals with confidence.


 Time to Secure Your Financial Future

Time to Secure Your Financial Future


Money Matters Roadmap

Money Matters Roadmap is a program for those who want to cultivate financial habits that lead to wealth accumulation and long-term financial security.

This research-driven program imparts everything you need to know about mastering the art of personal finance – The core principles underlying personal finance, proven strategies to enhance your savings, techniques to efficiently manage and reduce outstanding debts… and many other invaluable insights.

Follow the steps taught in this powerful program, and you’ll start noticing changes IMMEDIATELY.

If you're ready to take control of your finances and lay the foundation for a secure financial future…

Then, you owe it to yourself and everyone around you to learn the simple but powerful steps taught in Money Matters Roadmap.




"Thanks to my collaboration with Linda, I now feel significantly more comfortable and confident in managing my finances." - Tiffany A.




Program Details

Investment:  $600 (through December 18th, Midnight ET)

                        $750 After the Discount Expires 

Dates:  January 4, 11, 18, 25

             February 1, 8

Time:  7:00 pm Eastern

Sessions:  60-minute live over Zoom 


Enroll now


The Powerful Practices That You’ll Learn In This Life-Changing Program

Here is what you can expect at the end of this course. You will:

Take control of your financial destiny. Having an understanding of personal finances allows you to go from a position of uncertainty and dependency to one of confidence and self-determination.

Gain peace of mind. Know how to manage money to reduce financial stress. Create budgets, build emergency funds, and plan for your future.

Manage your debt. Learn how to manage any debt you’re carrying and how to free yourself from financial burdens

Make better decisions. Financial literacy improves decision-making skills. From everyday spending choices to major financial decisions, you will be better equipped to make informed choices that align with your values and long-term goals.

Adapt to Life Changes. If we’ve learned anything in the past few years from the pandemic, it’s thislife is unpredictable, and financial situations can change. Equip yourself with the skills to navigate change successfully, whether it's a career transition, unexpected expenses, or planning for retirement.

Improve the quality of your life. Ultimately, personal finance is not just about numbers; it's about improving the overall quality of your life. Whether it's affording experiences, contributing to charitable causes, or enjoying a comfortable retirement, these principles learned in the Money Matters Roadmap impact all areas of your life. 


Course Outline:

Week 1: Establishing Smart Money Habits

Introduction to Personal Finance
Understanding the Importance of Smart Money Habits
Daily and Weekly Habits for Financial Success Actionable Steps:

Week 2: Goal-Setting for Financial Success

The Power of Setting Financial Goals
Defining Short-Term, Mid-Term, and Long-Term Goals

Week 3: Budgeting Wisely

Planning to Control Spending
Strategies for Reducing Debt
How to Prioritize Debt Payments

Week 4: Strategic Savings

Simple Ways to Save Money
Setting Up Emergency Funds and Savings Accounts

Week 5: Review and Practice

Assessing Progress on Goals and Habits
Practical Application: Real-Life Budgeting and Saving Scenarios

Week 6: Course Integration and Forward Planning

Integrating Lessons Learned into a Cohesive Personal Financial Plan
Planning for the Future: Next Steps after Course Completion


 Say Hello to 'Smart Money Habits' - Your Secret Weapon for Financial Success

Smart Money Habit Book"Smart Money Habits" isn't just another financial manual; it's your companion on the road to financial well-being. It's chock-full of insights on smart saving, wise investing, managing debts like a pro, and ensuring you can kick back and relax when retirement rolls around.

Those who have embraced these practices are living financially secure lives, free from the shackles of debt and financial worry.

They've transitioned from impulsive spending to thoughtful, strategic financial decision-making.

They have financial tools and knowledge at their disposal that enable them to build wealth and achieve their dreams.

And today, I'm excited to share with you the enlightening principles and strategies that will help you adopt and master smart money habits. By doing so, you can take control of your financial future, create a safety net, and work towards your financial aspirations.


 Who Is This For?

This is the ultimate guide for those who want to:

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of personal finance.
  • Make informed, strategic financial decisions for long-term benefits.
  • Elevate their financial literacy to make better financial choices.
  • Lay the groundwork for lasting financial stability and freedom.


Here’s The Good News:

Instead of charging a ridiculous price for this life-changing program, I am offering you a discount if you act before midnight (Eastern Time) on December 4th:

For only -$750.00    $600.00

The reason behind this discount is that I want to help as many people as possible to experience the transformative power of financial literacy. More importantly, I want you to live a financially abundant life - TODAY!


Bonus Materials: 

Bonus #1 - Complete Checklist

This checklist contains a step-by-step action plan to ensure you get the full benefits of Smart Money Strategies Roadmap.

By simply breaking one huge topic into easily digestible chunks, you get absolute clarity inclusive of easy-to-follow action steps!

Bonus #2 - Comprehensive Mind Map

This mind map is perfect for 'visual' learners. It outlines everything you are going to discover throughout the entire course.

With just a glance, you will have a clear picture of what to expect and absorb so much more than reading through Smart Money Habits by pages!



We are confident in the transformative power of Money Matters Roadmap program. However, if after completing the course and applying the exercises, you feel that it hasn't significantly helped you in your journey towards financial well-being, we offer a no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.


  • Complete the course and all associated exercises.
  • Apply the practices and strategies in your daily financial decision-making.
  • If unsatisfied, request a refund within 30 days of course completion.
Satisfaction Guarantee

Time to Make a Life-Changing Decision

If you’ve read up to this page...

I know that you are serious about mastering your finances!

You’re just a step away from laying the foundation for a secure financial future. Now that you know how the Money Matters Roadmap program can change your life for the better, you need to decide.

You can continue on your current path with limited financial knowledge and a live-for-today mindset. Or you can take the step that’ll change your life by taking advantage of our offer! You can’t afford to miss it! As I’ve shown you, the Money Matters Roadmap program will give you the skill set you need to master personal finance and live your dream life.



 Click the button below NOW before the price goes up.

Now THAT’S a smart financial decision!